pirate illustration

Pie-Rits:A Pirate Adventure children's ebook on Amazon

Pie-Rits:A Pirate Adventure an ebook by Julia Dweck and illustrated by yours truly is already number 60 on Amazon's top 100 childrens bestsellers. Check it out at http://bit.ly/pie-rits. So all you seafarers and scalawags alike, buy it and leave a kind review. You can also check it out on the publisher Kite Readers site.

Here's a page from the book.

Illustration for Children's ebook

Hey folks! Here's a sneek preview of whats on my drawing board right now. Its a an illustration for a page for a children's book I am doing as an ebook for the ipad and other mobile devises. Its one of 15 screen pages. The book is called Pie-rits by Julia Dweck. Gotta another one lined up to do right after. Waddayathink?

Pierits page10.jpg