“The Perils Of An Oblivious Nature” is a watercolor and ink painting illustrating the dangers of not paying attention to your surroundings…it’s pretty much a self portrait of how I can be without the likeness. Those kitty cats…what rascals they can

“The Perils Of An Oblivious Nature” is a watercolor and ink painting illustrating the dangers of not paying attention to your surroundings…it’s pretty much a self portrait of how I can be without the likeness. Those kitty cats…what rascals they can be at times!

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

Forgotten gods of the Crown Lands
Forgotten gods of the Crown Lands

“Forgotten Gods Of The Crown Lands” was created originally for a group art show at the Hollerhouse art gallery in Bristol TN. where the theme for the show was “fire”. When coming up with this idea, I wanted something to tie into the region (which is the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina) as well as with the fire theme and Wa La…I came up with this flaming hot idea!

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

Brewing Up A Bit Of What You Fancy
Brewing Up A Bit Of What You Fancy

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

Night Stalker
Night Stalker

The great horned owl (Bubo virginianus), also known as the tiger owl (originally derived from early naturalists' description as the "winged tiger" or "tiger of the air") has always fascinated me and I wanted to create my own version with that in mind. In my book, a horned owl has to have horns…I’m just sayin’.

©2024 Fian Arroyo


Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2023 Fian Arroyo

 “A Chivalrous Victory Of Sorts” is a watercolor & ink painting depicting an ages old struggle between good and evil. Although in this case you wonder if the dragon is evil and the knight looks as if he is wondering about his career choice.   Pri

“A Chivalrous Victory Of Sorts” is a watercolor & ink painting depicting an ages old struggle between good and evil. Although in this case you wonder if the dragon is evil and the knight looks as if he is wondering about his career choice.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2024 Fian Arroyo


Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2023 Fian Arroyo

 Embracing Echoes Of A Distant Dream  Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2023 Fian Arroyo

Embracing Echoes Of A Distant Dream

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2023 Fian Arroyo

A Smoldering Cry for Attention
A Smoldering Cry for Attention

Some signs for attention are sometimes a little hard to ignore than others…especially when it comes to baby dragons.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2022 Fian Arroyo

Something Fishy Going On
Something Fishy Going On

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2023 Fian Arroyo

©2023 Fian Arroyo
©2023 Fian Arroyo

Trolling For An Invite

 God Starts all Over And Tries Again.  Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2023 Fian Arroyo

God Starts all Over And Tries Again.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2023 Fian Arroyo

Eye For an Eye
Eye For an Eye

Eye For an Eye is an archival open edition, titled, giclee fine art print of my original watercolor and ink fantasy painting signed by me, Fian Arroyo. Original available, email me if interested.

Eye For An Eye was accepted in 2019 into the awards books Spectrum 26 and Infected By Art .

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2018 Fian Arroyo

 To Heaven From Hell  The cries of a fallen angel scream out into the void, reverberating through the ages in a tongue long forgotten that has fallen on deaf ears. The anguish, hate and frustration that makes its way out of the darkness of his soul a

To Heaven From Hell

The cries of a fallen angel scream out into the void, reverberating through the ages in a tongue long forgotten that has fallen on deaf ears. The anguish, hate and frustration that makes its way out of the darkness of his soul and into the fire of his own folly takes the form of ravens, bursting forth from his mouth, which disappear into oblivion on wings of despair. Forever crying out…To Heaven From Hell.


Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2022 Fian Arroyo

 “A Precarious Perch” watercolor & ink  . The little chickadee perched on the dragons tongue is either very trusting or very clueless.  ©2023 Fian Arroyo

“A Precarious Perch” watercolor & ink

. The little chickadee perched on the dragons tongue is either very trusting or very clueless.

©2023 Fian Arroyo

 Wings Of A New Dawn. My first piece I created after an intensive surgery I had in late 2022. This symbolizes my new wings to a second chance.   ©2022 Fian Arroyo

Wings Of A New Dawn. My first piece I created after an intensive surgery I had in late 2022. This symbolizes my new wings to a second chance.

©2022 Fian Arroyo

Wanderlust & The Kindness Of Strangers
Wanderlust & The Kindness Of Strangers

I saw a pic of a scooter like this and thought to myself how cool it would be to incorporate something like it in an image and this popped into my head. A Transtemporal passage of some kind with a fantasy twist seemed like a fun idea…what do you think?

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2022 Fian Arroyo

Mysteries, Legends & Tales Long Forgotten
Mysteries, Legends & Tales Long Forgotten

The world turtle myth is held by many native American Indian tribes as well as in Chinese and Hindu mythology. Instead of showing the whole world as a globe, I symbolized it with a forest and added a fantasy element with a unicorn. :-)

 Council In The House Of Tomorrow.   What is written is coming to pass. Guided by the harbingers of the past , present and future, the oracle of Neverwhere has foreseen an impending doom that is already unraveling.  Prints available in my store. Hove

Council In The House Of Tomorrow.

What is written is coming to pass. Guided by the harbingers of the past , present and future, the oracle of Neverwhere has foreseen an impending doom that is already unraveling.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2021 Fian Arroyo

Malice In Wonderland
Malice In Wonderland

“Malice In Wonderland” is an archival open edition, titled, giclee fine art print of my original watercolor and ink fantasy painting signed by me, Fian Arroyo. It was originally done as a commission which gave me the wonderful opportunity to create it.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2019 Fian Arroyo

 “When Gods Collide” was originally commissioned by H-streetskateboards as a skateboard design for their Japanese rider Yuro Nagahara. I accepted the assignment because I knew it would be a wonderful opportunity to create an image that would not only

“When Gods Collide” was originally commissioned by H-streetskateboards as a skateboard design for their Japanese rider Yuro Nagahara. I accepted the assignment because I knew it would be a wonderful opportunity to create an image that would not only be great for a skateboard deck but also as a personal piece for myself. I was excited about working on this because growing up, I lived in Japan for a few years and the Japanese sense of art, design and the culture has always made a big impression in my life and art. The folklore imagery from that country has always captured my imagination especially their Tengu and dragons. The tengu were originally pictured with beaks taking the forms of birds of prey, depicted with both human and avian characteristics. But this feature has often been humanized as an unnaturally long nose, which has become today the tengu's defining characteristic in the popular imagination.

Japanese dragons, like most East Asian dragons, are water deities associated with rainfall and bodies of water. Their fearsome appearance are typically depicted as large, wingless, serpentine creatures with clawed feet. Taking the characteristics of both legendary creatures into account, I thought it would be a great composition to have a divine massive clash between gods of air and sea. In keeping with the folklore vibe, I incorporated a symbol of classic Japanese art into the composition by including into the piece an interpretation of “The Great Wave Off Kanagawa”, by the classic Japanese artist Hokusai Katsushika 1760 – 1849.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2020 Fian Arroyo

Fall Of The Triumvirate
Fall Of The Triumvirate

“Fall Of The Triumvirate” is an archival open edition, titled, giclee fine art print of my original watercolor and ink fantasy painting signed by me, Fian Arroyo.

Now available for sale as a signed and titled giclée fine art print here in my Store. ©2020 Fian Arroyo

Blood Moon.
Blood Moon.

Originally created for H-Street skateboards. Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2016 Fian Arroyo

 Merlin Realized His Library Magic books Were 200 Years Overdue.  Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2021 Fian Arroyo

Merlin Realized His Library Magic books Were 200 Years Overdue.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2021 Fian Arroyo

The Beast Of Unbridled Bliss
The Beast Of Unbridled Bliss

disedise“The Beast Of Unbridled Bliss” is a digital illustration.

This illustration was selected into the awards book Infected By Art Volume 8. It is also a graphic used by H-Street Skateboards on skateboards and merchandise.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2019 Fian Arroyo

Post Pandemic Mutant Rock Show
Post Pandemic Mutant Rock Show

This originally started as a doodle in my sketchbook I did a few years back, so when I was asked to be in a group art show in Asheville, NC called “The Last Rock And Roll Art Show”, I already knew what I was going to do. When I was a kid, I would love drawing up fictitious rock bands so this was a real treat for me. Being in rock bands in the past and now made it even that much more fun.

Discovering Truth In Ancient Fables
Discovering Truth In Ancient Fables

Discovering Truth in Ancient Fables was selected for inclusion in Spectrum 22: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art. It is a juried annual with the best fantasy art selected from around the world. The book will come out in November 2015 and will have distribution throughout the book trade. This is a hard book to get into and my work will be showcased with the best in the world...sweeeet!!!!

I feel so blessed!!!

It is available for sale as giclee fine art print here in the Store section.

 ©2014 Fian Arroyo

 Angels Of Our Better Nature. My interpretation for this piece is, the fox represents our aggressive nature, the butterflies represent the beauty in our nature and the skull and vines represent the mortal coil we are all tangled in. The mushrooms...I

Angels Of Our Better Nature. My interpretation for this piece is, the fox represents our aggressive nature, the butterflies represent the beauty in our nature and the skull and vines represent the mortal coil we are all tangled in. The mushrooms...I just like drawing mushrooms. :-)

An archival open edition, titled, giclee fine art print of my original watercolor and ink fantasy painting signed by me, Fian Arroyo. Original available. Email me if interested.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2018 Fian Arroyo

Along The King's Road To Avaz
Along The King's Road To Avaz

Along the way to the famed city of Avaz, some of it’s denizens always come to greet its visitors on the King’s Road.

Avaz is actually the pronunciation spelling for the scientific word Aves which is the classification for birds. 😊

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

 “Napoleon Complex” is dedicated to all those whose bark is definitely worse than their bite! :-) It is an archival open edition, titled, giclee fine art print of my original watercolor and ink fantasy painting signed by me, Fian Arroyo.   Prints ava

“Napoleon Complex” is dedicated to all those whose bark is definitely worse than their bite! :-) It is an archival open edition, titled, giclee fine art print of my original watercolor and ink fantasy painting signed by me, Fian Arroyo.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2020 Fian Arroyo

 Shroom With A View.  Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.   ©2020 Fian Arroyo

Shroom With A View.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2020 Fian Arroyo

Swimming In This Masquerade
Swimming In This Masquerade

Swimming In This Masquerade is an acrylic and ink painting on wood. It was in a Halloween group art show at Gallery 474 in Asheville NC. 


Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.   ©2017 Fian Arroyo

 We all have a song in our hearts….some are a little trippier than others.  ©2020 Fian Arroyo

We all have a song in our hearts….some are a little trippier than others.

©2020 Fian Arroyo

Murmur Lodge
Murmur Lodge

A comfy home nestled deep in the forest over the hills and far away where one can totally be under the grid. Complete with WIFI and cable…lets face it we still need those creature comforts.

©2018 Fian Arroyo

A Tiny Distraction
A Tiny Distraction

We all have our tiny distractions on our road through life. "A Tiny Distraction" is available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2017 Fian Arroyo

Monkshood or Wolfsbane
Monkshood or Wolfsbane

One of three watercolor and ink paintings in a series of poisonous plants. Monkshood is also called Wolfsbane so I incorporated a wolfs skull in the painting. I had to sneak in the little horned critter. :-) Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

@2019 Fian Arroyo

Lily Of The Valley
Lily Of The Valley

One of three watercolor and ink paintings in a series of poisonous plants.


One of three watercolor and ink paintings in a series of poisonous plants created for a show last year here in Asheville, NC. Mothers in England used to warn their children to stay away from the foxglove plants because they would upset the faeries. So I had to add one along with a fox skull. :-)

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2019 Fian Arroyo

The Calling
The Calling

She knew that if she called for them, they would come...even the one she had thought was a legend.

“The Calling” was accepted into the awards book Infected By Art Volume 5.

"The Calling" is a watercolor and ink commission piece. Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2016 Fian Arroyo


Wanderlust is a watercolor and ink painting created for my solo show at the Woolworth Walk May 2019. Original available, email me if interested.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2018 Fian Arroyo©2019 Fian Arroyo


“Unraveled” is an archival open edition, titled, giclee fine art print of my original watercolor and ink fantasy painting signed by me, Fian Arroyo. Original available, email me if interested.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print. ©2019 Fian Arroyo

Aret Book Cover
Aret Book Cover

I recently created this watercolor and ink book cover illustration for the book The Stories Of Art Books One & Two. I really loved painting opaquely with the watercolors to create the fiery green smokey feel of the background. Of course drawing dragons is always a plus!!! Working with author Kelly Wolf was a great experience and I hope we can work together again in the future.

Far From The Beaten Path
Far From The Beaten Path

We all have our path to take through life. It’s how we take it that makes all the difference.

We all have our path to take through life. It’s how we take it that makes all the difference.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2019 Fian Arroyo

Fake Field Trip
Fake Field Trip

Fake Field Trip.Sometimes we need a little vacation...even if it’s riding on the bus of our imagination.

.An archival open edition, titled, giclee fine art print of my original watercolor and ink fantasy painting signed by me, Fian Arroyo. Original available. Email me if interested.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2018 Fian Arroyo

Gentle Whisper Of An Ancient Voice
Gentle Whisper Of An Ancient Voice

Gentle Whisper Of An Ancient Voice is a watercolor and ink painting that originally popped into my head as I was doodling in my sketchbook. Some say the elders who help keep watch in the forests are still with us.

This piece was selected in the juried fantasy art book "Infected By Art Volume  4" in 2016.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

 ©2015 Fian Arroyo

Keeping A Watchful Eye
Keeping A Watchful Eye

Keeping A Watchful Eye is a watercolor and ink illustration created for a beautiful bizarre group theme show at the ZaPow gallery in Asheville, NC. 

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

 ©2016 Fian Arroyo

Stealing Beauty From Strange Angels
Stealing Beauty From Strange Angels

Stealing Beauty From Strange Angels is a watercolor and ink illustration created for a beautiful bizarre group theme show at the ZaPow gallery in Asheville, NC. 

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

 ©2015 Fian Arroyo

Dark Rose Of The Seven Mountains
Dark Rose Of The Seven Mountains

Dark Rose Of The Seven Mountains is a watercolor and ink painting created for my solo show at the Woolworth Walk May 2019. Original available, email me if interested.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2018 Fian Arroyo

©2019 Fian Arroyo

Ring of Faith
Ring of Faith

When I was a young boy in Puerto Rico, my grandfather would make a circle of leaves on the ground put me inside it and say, "Don't Move!". He would then go about doing what he had to do while always keeping an eye on me and checking in with me from time to time. I always stayed within the circle not only because of the fear of disobeying him but also because, I felt a sense of security knowing that I was safe under his watch. "Ring of Faith" is not only a self portrait but a tribute to my "abuelo" who I loved dearly and lost too soon. The tiger is a symbol of him protecting me from harm and how I feel he still does somehow to this day.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

 ©2016 Fian Arroyo

Waiting For Tomorrow On Wings Of Today
Waiting For Tomorrow On Wings Of Today

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

 ©2015 Fian Arroyo


Fearless is an archival open edition giclee fine art print of my original watercolor and ink painting. The spark of this creation came about as a sketch in my sketchbook. I loved the way its arms swung up in a dramatic freeze frame of potential violence and thought it would be a perfect match for a fearless little danger kitten. "Fearless" was created for a Fringe group theme show at the ZaPow gallery in Asheville, NC. 

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2016 Fian Arroyo

The Pinnacle
The Pinnacle

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

Fate Of The Forgotten
Fate Of The Forgotten

Fate Of The Forgotten

An archival open edition, titled, giclee fine art print of my original watercolor and ink fantasy painting signed by me, Fian Arroyo. Original available. Email me if interested.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2018 Fian Arroyo

The Alliance Came Unlooked For
The Alliance Came Unlooked For

"The Alliance Came Unlooked For" 

An archival open edition, titled, giclee fine art print of my original watercolor and ink fantasy painting signed by me, Fian Arroyo. She felt a silence in the air and knew he had arrived. The secrets kept hidden for so long would now be revealed. 

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2017 Fian Arroyo

Life After Death
Life After Death

Life After Death is a watercolor and ink painting. I love painting all the vegetation detail...totally easy to get lost in the drawing while creating it. :-)

 Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2016 Fian Arroyo

Careful With That Axe Eugene
Careful With That Axe Eugene

Fantasy art created to be sold as prints in the Shop For Section here at Fian.com. This is my interpretation of an old Pink Floyd song with the same name. Its kinda how I feel on Mondays.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

 ©2014 Fian Arroyo

 The Collector  . One man's junk is some dragons treasure.   An archival open edition, titled, giclee fine art print of my original watercolor and ink fantasy painting signed by me, Fian Arroyo. Original available. Email me if interested.  Prints ava

The Collector

. One man's junk is some dragons treasure.

An archival open edition, titled, giclee fine art print of my original watercolor and ink fantasy painting signed by me, Fian Arroyo. Original available. Email me if interested.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2018 Fian Arroyo


"Springazers" is a watercolor and ink painting that is available now in my shop here. Isn't everyone excited when spring pops up around the corner? :-)


Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

  ©2017 Fian Arroyo


The Far End Of Neverwhere
The Far End Of Neverwhere

All roads lead somewhere only one road leads to Neverwhere.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2017 Fian Arroyo

Thorns Of An Armored Rose
Thorns Of An Armored Rose

Thorns Of An Armored Rose was originally created for a graphic for Greenissue skateboards for the Japanese rider Moto Shibata. The  Japanese Kanji symbol on the banner stands for courage.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2017 Fian Arroyo

 Ol' Cleetus didn't like fairies much...especially ones that nagged him about his drinking.   Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.    ©2017 Fian Arroyo

Ol' Cleetus didn't like fairies much...especially ones that nagged him about his drinking. 

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

  ©2017 Fian Arroyo

Superfluous Fluff
Superfluous Fluff

Ink and Acrylic on wood panel.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2018 Fian Arroyo

Phantom Of The Moment
Phantom Of The Moment

Ink and acrylic on wood.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2018 Fian Arroyo

Tiger Lily
Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily is a color ink illustration created for a my show at the Push art gallery in Asheville, NC. 

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

©2016 Fian Arroyo

Supernal Seaside Stories
Supernal Seaside Stories

Supernal Seaside Stories is a ink illustration created for a 2 man show at the Push Gallery in Asheville, NC.

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print.

 ©2016 Fian Arroyo

Oracles, Omens and The Curiosity Of Innocence
Oracles, Omens and The Curiosity Of Innocence

Oracles always know the dark, the light and the wisdom to know the difference. 

Prints available in my store. Hover over Store in the menu and select the type of print

.©2014 Fian Arroyo

Witch Book Illustration
Witch Book Illustration

Illustration for my entry in the ZaPow Art Galleries "Book" theme show. The book assigned to me was Good Omens; The Nice And Accurate Prophecies Of Agnes Nutter, Witch. A super funny book about an angel and demon trying to prevent the apocalypse from happening based on the prophecies of a nutty witch. You can pick up an archival giclée print here.


 ©2015 Fian Arroyo

Basking Jabberwocky and Jub Jub Birds
Basking Jabberwocky and Jub Jub Birds

Finished illustration for the Wonderland theme show at the ZaPow Art Gallery in Asheville N.C. that opens next week. All pieces in the show are from the book Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Each artist was assigned an excerpt from the book, mine was one with the Jabberwocky. There is just a short passage in the book with no description of the creature...plenty of room for me to run with it...just the way I like it! You can pick up an archival giclée print here.

 ©2015 Fian Arroyo

Keeping A Watchful Eye, Chapter IV
Keeping A Watchful Eye, Chapter IV

Keeping A Watchful Eye, Chapter IV is an ink and digital illustration created for promotional purposes and to sell as prints. It is available for sale as giclee fine art print here in the Shop for Prints section.

 ©2016 Fian Arroyo


Sanctuary captures the essence of both mother earth and mother nature embracing the cosmos. It is available for sale as giclee fine art print here in the Shop for Prints section.  ©2016 Fian Arroyo


Reborn is an ink and digital illustration created for a 2 man show at the Asheville Area Arts Council July 2016 in Asheville, NC. It is available for sale as giclee fine art print here in the Shop for Prints section.  ©2016 Fian Arroyo

Searching With a Blind Eye
Searching With a Blind Eye

Sometimes it’s easy to lose ones way along the ever winding paths we are on when searching with a blind eye. “Searching With A Blind Eye” is a watercolor and Ink painting created to sell as prints. It is available for sale as a signed and titled giclée fine art print here in my Shop.  ©2016 Fian Arroyo

Tree Of Life
Tree Of Life

Tree Of Life is a watercolor and ink illustration created because I love drawing dragons. If you feel the same you can pick up an archival girl fine art print in my online shop here.

 ©2015 Fian Arroyo

The Wind whispered Salamanka And They Came
The Wind whispered Salamanka And They Came

 The Salamanka are as elusive as a secret and can only be summoned by the wind of a desperate cause. Giclée fine art prints are available for sale as  at the ZaPow art gallery in Asheville N.C. and online here in the Shop for Prints section. 

 ©2014 Fian Arroyo