©Fian Arroyo 2022
I have a few new exciting things to share with you!
First…fresh out of the oven!!! “Wanderlust & The Kindness Of Strangers” watercolor & ink. I saw a pic of a scooter like this and thought to myself how cool it would be to incorporate something like it in an image and this popped into my head. A Transtemporal passage of some kind with a fantasy twist seemed like a fun idea…what do you think?
I will have prints of this with me in my summer art show/comic con tour which starts this Sunday in Asheville, NC with the local favorite The Big Crafty, then I will be at the San Diego Comic Con - July 22-24, then GalaxyCon in Raleigh July 28-31, then C2E2 in Chicago Aug. 5-7, then Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle Aug. 18-21 then, DragonCon in Atlanta September 1-5, then one that is literally right down the street from my house in Weaverville, NC and a great one day show Art In Autumn September 17, last but not least the Big Apples New York City Comic Con 6-9. If you are attending any of these events, please come by and see me. Just mention this blog post and I’ll give you 10% off any purchase you make.
The original for “Wanderlust & The Kindness Of Strangers” is available. You can email me if you are interested.
Last but not least, as some of you may already know, my Instagram account was hacked and deleted back in April. Last week I opened up a new one and am starting ALL OVER AGAIN! Ugh! My new Instagram account is fian_arroyo_art. I hope to see you there.
Illustratively yours,