Beach doodle in my sketchbook I did while at the beach on vacation with my family this past week, one of a few. I'm too restless to sit in a chair and I bake and draw...kill two birds with one stone. :-) I draw on a Moleskine sketchbook with either a Pilot Namiki Falcon fountain pen or Faber Castell Penn India ink markers or both. Sometimes I may even add a quick watercolor wash. Great to do while on vacation or even in between illustration therapy. ;-)
Dragon Sketchbook Doodle
Starting the week off with a another Sunday night doodle while watching TV with the fam. Dragons...who doesn't love 'em? They are so fun to draw. I have a seemingly endless number of them in my head wanting to get out. Should I see a health care specialist for this? ;-)
Doodling in The Holiday Season
Owl Sunday Sketchbook Doodle
I did this quick sketch while watching a little TV last Sunday night with the fam. I love to sit back and relax and doodle in my moleskin sketchbook. I love just scribbling with loose line work and letting the sketch flow on the page. Owls are always fun to draw and this one easily found his way onto the page...maybe I will do a painting with one as the main player instead of a small element in it...does that sound like a good idea to you? Let me know. Stay tuned.
Step By Step Art Progression For The Grand Vizier's Garden Party
Here's the step by step art progression of my new fantasy art piece "The Grand Vizier's Garden Party". It is my interpretation of a Pink Floyd song. Check out my descriptions for each step below. If you have any questions, just post a comment or email me from the Contact Me section of
These are the tools I used to create "The Grand Viziers Garden Party". They are Arches watercolor block of 30 sheets of 140 lb cold press paper, Winsor Newton watercolors, Pilot Namiki Falcon fountain pen, Pilot Metropolitan animal fountain pen, Noodlers fountain pen, Noodlers ink, Pedeo drawing gum, Winsor Newton Gum Arabic and various brushes.
Rough sketch with doodles from my sketchbook added. Getting our cast of characters into their places. Places everyone!!!
Transferring the sketch to the watercolor paper block. I print out the sketch then rub the back of it with a graphite pencil and trace the image onto the paper.
Starting the inking process. It is always a rush to get to this stage and to make it start to come to life.
The outline inking. The main line work right before the detail comes in. The grand vizier is getting ansy...he wants to see how he will look in color.
Details to the outline inking. The last stage before I apply color...then the real decision making comes into play.
Masking the characters with Pedeo Drawing gum (blueish color) so I can paint the sky with a watercolor wash. Its easier to get a fluid wash without having to worry about getting color into unwanted places.
The sky wash is I'm ready to bring the characters to life.
Starting to add color to the characters. I started with the grand vizier himself and made him a reddish color to make him the center of attention like he always demands.
Bringing more of the characters to life. Bringing this party into full view.
Detail of the painting process. Gotta make sure the Vizier is done right...he's kinda fussy that way.
The finished art. A glimpse into what goes on at The Grand Vizier's place on weekends and what goes on in my head all the time. Enjoy!