family games

Fian Arroyo Illustration at Gen Con 2014

Finally decompressed after an amazing 5 days in Indianapolis attending the Gen Con gaming convention with the game company Mindtwister. I sold a lot of prints, signed a ton of Mindtwister games my art is on, made some great contacts for possible future work and had an amazing time enjoying what Indy had to offer. Here are some highlights of my trip.

My booth with MindtwisterUSA.

Behind the scenes.

Workin' Gen Con selling prints.

Doodling behind the scenes between selling prints and signing Mindtwister games.

Yard decor?

The crowd waiting to get in. Over 50,000 people attended.

Small corner of the universe called Gen Con.

Dr. Who robots in my hotel lobby.

typical Gen con eye candy.

This motley crew posed on the spot for me.

Motocross game with art now at Target

The board game Motocross Unplugged (with artwork I did for the box cover, cards and game pieces inside) came out in Target stores 2 weeks ago. Check out the art here.  What a rush to see it on the shelves! It never gets old to see my work on the final product on any project I work on. Waddayathink?