Got my first unstretched canvas print made this week...looks sweet! This 20"x 24" Sk8 Zombie went out to a buyer in Singapore Saturday. If you are interested in any of my titles as a canvas or paper print, just contact me in the Contact section here.
skateboarding art
Pentago box cover illustration by Fian Arroyo
New Pentago Game For Kids Illustration
Here's an illustration I recently created for the new Pentago game box cover. It's the Skateboard Madness version using the characters I developed for MindtwisterUSA for other games, geared for a younger audience. Even the title and logo are hand drawn to go with the feel of the art. It should be out later this year. Stay tuned!
Board Game Close Up At Toy Fair 2014
Close up of the new game Bucky Lasek's Ramps And Rails with my art showcasing now at the Mindtwister USA booth 6331 at Toy Fair NYC. If you are in the neighborhood....go and check it out. :-)
Fian Arroyo Collection showcased at Toyfair in NYC 2013
The Fian Arroyo Collection, artwork produced on big wall stickers,stickers, electronic stickers, magnets and more, will be showcased in NYC at Toyfair next week from Feb.1- thru the 14th. The products are being produced and distributed by Paper House. The display at Toyfair is supposed to look awesome...can't wait to see the pics. The products should be out this year. Below is the packaging for the big wall stickers. Click on the thumbnail and check it out.
Character design comparison
Been awile since i posted due to pressing deadlines (what's knew?). Here's a comparison in a character I did for the game Skateboard Madness done digitally and a version I did for kicks the old fashioned way with pencil and watercolor. It felt weird painting with a brush and paint instead of a digital pen, but it also felt like being reunited with an old dear friend. Took awhile to realize there was no undo command when I painted.I will have to keep doing these painting refresher courses up...Waddayathink?